When a family member is no longer able to care for himself or herself, it can be difficult to determine how to move forward. What would that loved one want? Is a conservatorship the right step? These are tough questions that our dedicated estate planning attorneys can help you and your family get through.
A conservatorship is a court-ordered legal procedure where a person is determined to be incapacitated, whether mentally, physically or both. Once incapacitation is deemed, an individual is then designated as the “conservator.” The conservator is given certain authority (depending on the specific court order) to handle the incapacitated person’s affairs such as financial decisions or their well-being.
There are two main types of conservatorships:
Conservator of the person: This type of conservatorship is for the overall well-being of the individual. Decisions about such essentials as food, clothing and living arrangements are all responsibilities the conservator must maintain.
Conservator of the estate: This type of conservatorship is for handling the finances of the individual. Someone may be able to care of his or her own physical needs, but require help handling financial decisions.
Some individuals require both types of conservatorships. There are other situations, such as when an individual has special needs, in which a limited conservatorship may be more appropriate so that he or she can still maintain independence.
At the Brentwood law firm of Cook Tillman Law Group, our seasoned estate planning lawyers can help you and your family choose the conservatorship that fits a loved one’s specific needs. We have handled some of the most complex estate planning cases. No case is too complicated for us to take on.
A guardianship is a court-ordered legal procedure wherein a parent, family member, friend, or other person is appointed by the court to act in the best interests of a minor child. This is often required when the child’s parents have died or are incapable of providing proper care for the minor child, or a minor child has received or inherited valuable assets or a large sum of money. Once appointed, the guardian is given certain authority (depending on the specific court order) to handle the minor person’s affairs such as financial decisions or their well-being.
Like with conservatorships, there are two main types of guardianships: Guardian of the person and guardian of the estate. As noted above, a common need for setting up a guardianship occurs when a minor inherits or receives a valuable asset in their own name and a court requires a guardian of the estate be appointed to manage the asset on behalf of the minor.
At Cook Tillman Law Group, we understand your desire for privacy. Many of our clients are business owners, wealthy individuals, entertainers, and high-profile public figures, and we do all we can to protect your privacy as well as your interests.
You can rest assured that we will keep your personal affairs in strict confidence. We commonly create trusts and other planning vehicles that are designed to keep your name and your holdings private.
Contact us today to schedule a consultation by sending us an email or by calling (615)-370-2444. We assist clients throughout the Nashville area.