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Nov 11, 2021
How can I avoid probate?
When you pass away, your loved ones will have a lot on their plate. They will be mourning your passing, which will be hard enough. On top...
Aug 6, 2021
Who is an interested party in probate?
Probate can slow the timeframe in which the estate’s assets are distributed. The process itself takes some time and can be further...
Feb 2, 2020
Two key differences between an irrevocable and revocable trust
You can use a number of estate planning tools to achieve all sorts of goals. Some help to shield assets from creditors while others can...
Jul 25, 2019
Probate litigation can be spurred by many, diverse factors
The Tennessee probate process governs asset administration following an individual’s death. A common probate scenario spotlights...
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May 1, 2019
Singular estate planning focus: distinct personal property
The relevant details surrounding an existing bank account are likely to be pretty clear when it comes time to administer a given estate....
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Jan 23, 2019
When do beneficiaries get their inheritance or property?
Receiving an inheritance can be a great gift for anyone. It could be a sizable sum, a meaningful gesture or a significant responsibility...
Oct 2, 2018
Disinheritance: Is it always dramatic?
Disinheriting someone in a will can seem like a painful slight; a way to hurt someone or reinforce the message that there was no...
Sep 26, 2018
Preventing family feuds during probate with a solid estate plan
The probate process can put family members at odds with each other. Often, families fight over property, how to interpret a decedent’s...
Sep 5, 2018
Troubles arise when a trustee is distrustful
Administering a trust is a major responsibility. Whether the party in this role is an individual or an institution, it is crucial that...
Aug 28, 2018
What happens when someone passes away without a will?
Creating a will is something every adult should do, though many have not done it. Often, people put it off because it’s uncomfortable or...
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Aug 21, 2018
Events that can extend the probate process
After a loved one passes away, his or her estate and assets will typically go through probate. This is the legal process of identifying...
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Jul 31, 2018
Can I contest a will if the decedent excluded me?
The death of a loved one can trigger painful emotions and complicated interactions with family members, especially in situations of...
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